Your goal in life is to be a big success, to accomplish wonderful things as you grow stronger and better with each passing day and week, and ultimately to fulfill your full potential as a person in everything you do. The good news is that there has never been a better time in all of human history for you to accomplish your goals and achieve great success than today, here, right now, wherever you live and whatever you are doing. We are entering into what many economists are calling the “Golden Age” of human history, a period of peace and prosperity that has been dreamed of through all the ages of man. And you are in the forefront. You are… Read more
One of the most important skills of listening is simply to pause before replying. All the top salespeople ask good questions and listen carefully to the answers. One of the most important skills of listening is simply to pause before replying. When the prospect finishes talking, rather than jumping in with the first thing that you can think of, take three to five seconds to pause quietly and wait. This can be difficult, especially if the presentation is virtual and you are standing in front of them, but it is still effective. Becoming a Master of the Pause All excellent listeners are masters of the pause. They are comfortable with silences. When the other person finishes speaking, they take a… Read more
Building and maintaining long-term selling relationships is the key behavior and skill of the top ten percent of the money earners in sales, in every field, selling every product and service. If you could take everything we know about communications, put it all in a large pot, boil it and distill it down into its critical essence, it is about the importance of relationships in successful selling. The Reason for SuccessMost of your success in life will depend on your ability to get along well with other people, and on the quality of your relationships. Psychologist Sidney Jourard, found that 85 percent of a person’s happiness in life comes from happy interactions with other people. The reverse holds true as… Read more
One particular self-image possessed by high-achieving salespeople is that they see themselves as consultants rather than as salespersons. View Yourself As A Consultant One particular self-image possessed by high-achieving salespeople is that they see themselves as consultants rather than as salespersons. They see themselves as problem solvers with their products or services rather than as vendors looking for someone who will trade them money for what they have to offer. Approach Them As Clients They do not approach their customers with hat in hand, hoping for a sale. They approach their “clients” with the attitude that they are consultants calling on the prospect to help him or her solve a problem or achieve a goal. Learn more about consumer behavior… Read more