Comments on: What is Your True Calling in Life? How to Find Your Passion Self Improvement & Professional Development Blog Mon, 05 Feb 2018 17:29:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kilanko Seun Sat, 12 Sep 2009 21:15:15 +0000 What else do I expect from you, Brian other than a great piece like this. I have always said that to be great in life, you have to discover the gold mine in you(what you are best at) and then dedicate all your focus on mining it(developing it) and you will surely be on your way to success.

By: nada Fri, 14 Aug 2009 15:22:49 +0000 i just wanted to ask one question sometimes when people are clear in their feeling the may hurt other ,, in this way what they do ??,not to be clear???/? and if most of the people becomes angry when the other is clear what they should do in this case really i dun know if to be clear and loss the other people or to hide my words and my feeling to keep in touch with them

By: Baker Fri, 26 Jun 2009 23:58:09 +0000 Wise words of wisdom, presented in this post. Most people don’t get to where they want to be, because they haven’t made a clear descion on what it is they want to be in the first place.

By: Victoria Queen Mon, 15 Jun 2009 19:51:49 +0000 I love you Brian!

By: Dennis Mon, 15 Jun 2009 19:41:08 +0000 You have really made good point hearts desire Thanks for posting 🙂

By: Rose Sat, 30 May 2009 01:45:27 +0000 This is the 2nd time today that I saw this kind of reference about one’s true calling so this time I decided to add a comment.

I believe that I have found my true calling! You see I work from home doing grant research. I believe it is my calling for one thing because I love doing research and now the Internet has made it so much easier. Also too there is a lot of misconceptions and myths about grant programs and I wanted to show the REAL truth about them.

Also ironically in these current economic times people should know that there are programs out there that may be able to help them.

I enjoy doing this kind of research for clients and I do believe that it is my true calling!

By: Penelope Tue, 26 May 2009 22:04:54 +0000 Thank you Brian,
for not only this reminder, but also for “Maximum Achievement”, my bible of reference that stays with me always, to which I refer constantly.

This reminder about our true calling is yet another that keeps me pressing on towards my sometimes seemingly unattainable goal.
After not seeing the signs [or being oblivious to them] for the most part of my life, for the last 8 years I have realised that becoming a Doctor is what I am here to do, and helping children is what I am meant to do.

Whilst it is finally a relief knowing what my true calling is [at 40 years of age], now that we have a 6 month old daughter makes this task somewhat difficult to achieve. I will work through the challenges one at a time, and I will eventually get there, but I am very grateful to know what it is that I want. It is true that so many people go through life not knowing their calling, and I was one of those people for many years.

I would like to thank you Brian for your commitment to others and for reminding us all of our importance in this big wide world.

Good luck to those of you in your endeavours to find your true calling.

By: Leigh-Ann Webster Tue, 26 May 2009 03:26:12 +0000 “The great tragedy is that most people go through life and die with their music still in them. They react and respond to pressures and events, to parents and to bosses, to bills and responsibilities, and never take the time to sit down and think about what it is that they really want for themselves.”

I love this paragraph in your post because it is a reminder that we should all take the time to sit down, reflect and write about what it is we truly desire in life.

Companies spend hours and millions to develop a mission statement, yet we as individuals never take the time to develop our own mission statement. Having a “mission” is such an important part of success.

By: Catherine Fri, 22 May 2009 04:10:55 +0000 Fantastic article. I loved this statement “The starting point of great success is for you to realize that you are truly extraordinary! There has never been anyone in the entire universe just like you.” Thanks we all need a reminder sometimes!!

By: Allan Fri, 22 May 2009 01:40:21 +0000 My calling is to assist people in taking responsibility for their own lives. 100% responsibility. Ownership, if you will. I do this in my speaking, in my coaching and in my individual therapy sessions.
